Archive for category Tips

Shortcut to Open Explorer Window

A quick way to open a new Explorer window in Windows:

Press the Windows key and the letter E simultaneously on your keyboard.

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MozyHome No Unlimited. Now What?

At the end of yesterday’s post about MozyHome dropping its Unlimited backup package, I sort of left it open ended, as in, what should you do next?

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TIL: You Can Rename the Subject of an Email in Outlook

I love shortcuts, anything that I can do to make my life easier, or some menial task less tedious while still achieving a high quality result is what I generally aim for. This is especially true when it comes to my workflow on my computer, I am a sucker for keyboard shortcuts. So it always surprises me and delights me when I learn about a new shortcut, especially one as simple as this.

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Free Mainland Long Distance Calling using Gmail

One of the most useful features in Gmail that goes largely unnoticed is the ability to make a phone call from Gmail, or more specifically from Gmail Chat. If you have a Gmail account, live in the United States, and have a webcam or microphone, then you can, for free, call any phone number (cell, or landline) in the US.

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Gmail Turn Off Conversation View

Gmail is a great email service. I have been using it since we had less than 2GB of space available. One of the most common complaints I have heard from people converting to Gmail is the conversation view, and how they would prefer that the messages be listed in the traditional chronological order. Personally, I like conversation view because it keeps the relevant responses together, creating a threaded history of the conversation. But for those who prefer the standard chronological email view, there is an option to turn off Gmail’s conversation view.

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